

  John F. Kerry 


  John Kerry/John O'Neil 1971 Debate 

Pictured below is from the John F. Kerry and ,John O'Neil debate held in June of 1971 which I remember seeing back then.  







The above pictures were from  ABC's special June 30, 1971 broadcast of "The Dick Cavett Show," during which former Navy Lieutenant John Kerry represented Vietnam Veterans Against the War. He was opposed by fellow Navy veteran John O'Neill, representing Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace. As this 1971 interview will show you,  Kerry's problems with the Vietnam Veterans began way before either of the Bush family was president.  The Vietnam Vet's Story hasn't changed much since then except that many more of the Swift Boat Vets have come forward to confirm John O'Neil's and the original smaller group that have continued to claim John F. Kerry's vision of what happen was false.
For more info on this go to:

You can see that debate here on C-Span at:

The National Democratic Committee and Senator John F. Kerry want you to believe that this old story that has been around since 1970 was started in 2004 by  George W. Bush and the National GOP when Kerry ran for president in 2004.  
However, in spite of the fact that many Massachusetts Republicans, including myself, have been aware of this story since the early 1970's,  the extremely weak Massachusetts Republican State Committee failed to get the very liberal mass media in Massachusetts to publish it.   The Swift Boat Vets Group continued to speak out against Kerry throughout the year's as Kerry continued to get elected by the "misguided" Massachusetts Voters.   Likewise, the "misguided" National Democratic  Party failed to listen to the Swift Boat Group's story during the Democratic Primaries and nominated John F. Kerry for president.  

Fortunately for the Republicans but, unfortunately for the Democratic Party the Swift Boat Vets Group Story did finally reach the entire world news media after the Democratic Convention and John F. Kerry lost the 2004 Presidential Election to George W. Bush.
For more information on this subject go to:
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

                                       Swift Boat Veterans for Truth 

The hot site on the net from some of the
Vietnam Veterans who served with John Kerry and who are pictured in many of the John Kerry for President commercials.  You will find their stories to be very, very different from what John Kerry has been telling America about what he did during his short four month stay in Vietnam.

  Massachusetts Income Taxes 

Some of the "powerful"  Massachusetts elected officials should work hard to get the  Massachusetts' Income Tax Rate of 5.3% down to 2.8 % like Pennsylvania's.  Then maybe,  Massachusetts US Senator John F. Kerry and his wife would be able both to file their family income taxes in Massachusetts rather than Pennsylvania.   This would be a great help to both, all those Massachusetts folks that voted for John F. Kerry and those like 'me" that didn't. 

Frank W. Wing      


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Last modified: 04/27/13